

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Ad for world's toughest job draws few applicants and many smiles


The job ad listed the many unusual requirements for director of operations -- and still, a few dozen people answered it and set up video interviews:

-- Must be able to work 135-plus hours a week, it said.

-- Must working standing up for most hours, often overnight.

-- No breaks.

-- Eating depends on when the "associate" eats.

-- Able to manage 10 to 15 projects at one time. (There are many, many more tough demands on time, emotions and mental skills.)

-- And the work for Rehtom Inc. (there's the first clue) is pro bono. Yes, for free.

The job sounds impossible. But the people behind the ad say billions of people do it every day.

If you go to the online version of the job ad, there is a link that goes to a video for #WorldsToughestJob, a Mother's Day campaign on the American Greetings Card Store.

The video is a reminder that a mother's "impact is endless. And so is her job description," American Greetings says on the website.

As you might guess, when the interviewer discusses the unique requirements for the job, many a head is shaken and words like "crazy" and "insane" are dispersed.

Eventually, there is the reveal of the true job title -- mom -- and the sentimental among us have to brush away the tears as the tributes to moms flow.

The video had been viewed through YouTube more than 4 million times since it was posted Monday.

Andrea Mileskiewicz, an associate creative director for Boston-based Mullen, the advertising agency behind the spot, said that because Mother's Day is such an important day for American Greetings, her team went in with big goals.

"The topic of mom is so heartfelt and so relatable, and we just wanted to make a video that inspired meaningful connections," she said. "We're incredibly pleased with how people are connecting with it."

She shared some details about how the ad came to be. Mileskiewicz went home to Michigan where she spent time with her brother, his wife and their newborn, the couple's second child.

And, she said, it really hit home when she witnessed how hard being a mother was for her sister-in-law.

When she went back to Boston, the planning for the Mother's Day campaign was just beginning. She pitched the idea that many people talk about how hard being a mother is, but actually showing it would be a different take on a holiday campaign.

Mileskiewicz said as the concept took shape, a team of moms from the two companies weighed in to give it its humor and authenticity.

"They took the idea to what it's become," she said.

So Mullen placed an ad in newspapers and online. Craigslist ads linked to a fictitious job description page. Hundreds of thousands of people saw the ad online or in the papers, but only 24 answered it.

That kind of proves the point that people think the job is too tough, Mileskiewicz said.

Then the Mullen team set up interviews with people who were told they would be helping evaluate the job ad by video conference.

The man who described the ad to them actually was an improv actor.

Some of the test group came to an office in New York while others used a webcam from home, Mileskiewicz said.

Only one person actually started to see the ruse while there. The others sat through about 15 minutes of interviewing before they were let in on the real message.

"Everyone [who] came in had no idea what they were reacting to," Mileskiewicz said. "All of those reactions are completely authentic."

So, will there be something similar for Father's Day?

Mileskiewicz: "All I can say is fathers are just as important, and it's something we're already excited about. So stayed tuned."

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Ad for world's toughest job draws few applicants and many smiles


The job ad listed the many unusual requirements for director of operations -- and still, a few dozen people answered it and set up video interviews:

-- Must be able to work 135-plus hours a week, it said.

-- Must working standing up for most hours, often overnight.

-- No breaks.

-- Eating depends on when the "associate" eats.

-- Able to manage 10 to 15 projects at one time. (There are many, many more tough demands on time, emotions and mental skills.)

-- And the work for Rehtom Inc. (there's the first clue) is pro bono. Yes, for free.


作名词,表示“同事;伙伴”,英文解释为“a person that you work with, do business with or spend a lot of time with”,如:business associates 业务伙伴。

pro bono

表示“无偿服务的;公益性的”,英文解释为“done without asking for payment”,如:pro bono cases/lawyers/work 未要求收费的案子/律师/工作。


🆓 上文也提到的:free/for free

🆓 free of charge

🆓 unrewarded

🆓 unsalaried

🆓 unpaid:done or taken without payment 无偿的;不付报酬的

🆓 gratis:done or given without having to be paid for 免费的;无偿的

🎬 电影《我是山姆》(I am Sam)台词中就多次出现了这个表达:pro bono.

The job sounds impossible. But the people behind the ad say billions of people do it every day.

If you go to the online version of the job ad, there is a link that goes to a video for #WorldsToughestJob, a Mother's Day campaign on the American Greetings Card Store.

The video is a reminder that a mother's "impact is endless. And so is her job description," American Greetings says on the website.

As you might guess, when the interviewer discusses the unique requirements for the job, many a head is shaken and words like "crazy" and "insane" are dispersed.


表示“散布;散发;传播”,英文解释为“to spread or to make sth spread over a wide area”举个🌰:

The seeds are dispersed by the wind.



1)表示“十分愚蠢的;疯狂的;危险的”,英文解释为“very stupid, crazy or dangerous”举个🌰:

I must have been insane to agree to the idea.


2)表示“精神失常的;精神错乱的”,英文解释为“seriously mentally ill and unable to live in normal society”举个🌰:

Doctors certified him as insane.


Eventually, there is the reveal of the true job title -- mom -- and the sentimental among us have to brush away the tears as the tributes to moms flow.

The video had been viewed through YouTube more than 4 million times since it was posted Monday.

Andrea Mileskiewicz, an associate creative director for Boston-based Mullen, the advertising agency behind the spot, said that because Mother's Day is such an important day for American Greetings, her team went in with big goals.

"The topic of mom is so heartfelt and so relatable, and we just wanted to make a video that inspired meaningful connections," she said. "We're incredibly pleased with how people are connecting with it."

She shared some details about how the ad came to be. Mileskiewicz went home to Michigan where she spent time with her brother, his wife and their newborn, the couple's second child.

And, she said, it really hit home when she witnessed how hard being a mother was for her sister-in-law.

hit home

表示“有很大效用,起强烈作用;切中要害;使人接受(或认清)事实;使充分意识到(情况有多糟糕或困难)”,英文解释为“to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is”举个🌰:

The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living rooms.



📍 strike home:to hit the intended place or have the intended effect 命中预定目标;达到预期效果,举个🌰:

The message about the dangers of smoking seems to have struck home. 对吸烟有害健康的宣传似乎达到了预期效果。

When she went back to Boston, the planning for the Mother's Day campaign was just beginning. She pitched the idea that many people talk about how hard being a mother is, but actually showing it would be a different take on a holiday campaign.


表示“力荐(某主张)”,英文解释为“If someone pitches an idea for something such as a new product, they try to persuade people to accept the idea.”举个🌰:

My agent has pitched the idea to my editor in New York.



熟词僻义,表示“看法;意见”,英文解释为“the particular opinion or idea that sb has about sth”举个🌰:

What's his take on the plan?


Mileskiewicz said as the concept took shape, a team of moms from the two companies weighed in to give it its humor and authenticity.

"They took the idea to what it's become," she said.

weigh in

表示“积极参与(辩论或讨论)”,英文解释为“to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way举个🌰:

Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.


So Mullen placed an ad in newspapers and online. Craigslist ads linked to a fictitious job description page. Hundreds of thousands of people saw the ad online or in the papers, but only 24 answered it.


表示“虚构的;虚假的”,英文解释为“invented by sb rather than true”举个🌰:

All the places and characters in my novel are fictitious (= they do not exist in real life).


That kind of proves the point that people think the job is too tough, Mileskiewicz said.

Then the Mullen team set up interviews with people who were told they would be helping evaluate the job ad by video conference.

The man who described the ad to them actually was an improv actor.


improvisation的简写,表示“即兴表演”,英文解释为“a performance, for example of comedy or acting, that is improvised (= invented as it is done rather than using words or music written and practised in advance)”。

Some of the test group came to an office in New York while others used a webcam from home, Mileskiewicz said.

Only one person actually started to see the ruse while there. The others sat through about 15 minutes of interviewing before they were let in on the real message.

ruse /ruːz/

表示“骗术;诡计”,英文解释为“A ruse is an action or plan which is intended to deceive someone.”举个🌰:

It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.


let sb in on sth

表示“向(某人)公开;允许(某人)参与(秘密的事情)”,英文解释为“to tell someone about something that is secret, or to allow someone to become involved in something that only very few people are involved in”举个🌰:

She agreed to let me in on her plans.


"Everyone [who] came in had no idea what they were reacting to," Mileskiewicz said. "All of those reactions are completely authentic."

So, will there be something similar for Father's Day?

Mileskiewicz: "All I can say is fathers are just as important, and it's something we're already excited about. So stayed tuned."

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